
„Binecuvântat este cel ce vine în numele Domnului ...”. Cuvânt-Comunicare-Terapie

Iași, 15 - 17 Mai 2024

Hristos – Doctorul sufletelor şi al trupurilor – în Tainele Bisericii. O abordare liturgică

Pr. Viorel Sava

Profesor universitar la Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Dumitru Stăniloae" din Iași

The study is entitlded: „Christ – The Physician of the souls and bodys - in the Sacraments of the Church. A liturgical approach”. The first part is a general introduction in the Orthodox theology of sacramental thinking as it is revealed in the Bible, formulated by the Fathers an expressed by the doctrine of the Church. Then we tried to identify expresions, gestures, rituales, prayers and liturgical services which are conected with the idea of healing. The goal of all of these is to demonstrate that the vocation of the Church is to cure both human soul and body for their salvation through its liturgical life and especially through its Sacraments. In addition, when  the Orthodoxy spaks about Sacraments it uses a medical language. The work of healing is done by our Lord Jesus Christ, The Unic center of the Ortodox liturgical life and of the Sacraments.


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