Pr. Daniel Benga
Profesor universitar, Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă, București
Daniel Benga is professor for Liturgics, Patristics and Church History at the Institute for Orthodox Theology of the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich. He wrote two PhD Theses on the issue of the relationships between the Lutheran Reformers and the Orthodox Church in the 16th century: The Great Reformers and the Orthodox Church. Contributions to the Typology of the Lutheran-Orthodox Relationships in the 16th Century (Bucharest, 2003); David Chytraeus (1530-1600) as Rediscoverer and Researcher of the Eastern Churches (Wettenberg, 2006). Another field of research of Daniel Benga refers to the Ethos of the Ancient Christianity in accord with the old Christian Church Orders. His publication list includes: David Chytraeus (1530-1600) als Erforscher und Wiederentdecker der Ostkirchen. Seine Beziehungen zu orthodoxen Theologen, seine Erforschungen der Ostkirchen und seine ostkirchlichen Kenntnisse, (Édition historique), VVB Laufersweiler Verlag, Wettenberg, 2006. Marii reformatori şi Biserica Ortodoxă. Contribuţii la tipologia relaţiilor luterano-ortodoxe din secolul al XVI-lea, Editura Sophia, Bucureşti, 2003. Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice în teologia istorică, Editura Sophia, Bucureşti, 2005. Identități creștine europene în dialog. De la mișcarea husită la ecumenismul contemporan, Editura Universității Lucian Blaga, Sibiu, 2010. Cred, mărturisesc și aștept viața veșnică. O istorie teologică a Simbolului Niceo-Constantinopolitan, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, București, 2013. „Die Diaspora der Orthodoxen Kirchen in Europa. Ein geschichtlicher Überblick”, în: Ostkirchliche Studien, Band 62 (2013), p. 318-331. „Eine kurze Auswertung des Theologischen Dialogs aus der Sicht der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche”, în: Martin Illert/Martin Schindehütte (Hrsg.), Theologischer Dialog mit der Rumänischen Orthodoxen Kirche. Die Apostolizität der Kirche. Heiligkeit und Heiligung, (Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau, Nr. 97), Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, 2014, p. 32-42. „Die Reformation Martin Luthers widerspiegelt in der orthodoxen Theologie”, în: Review of Ecumenical Studies, 9 (2017), 346-359.